Views regarding the idea of international relations and affairs have been understood in many various manners so as to satisfy the need for understanding on variable s affecting behaviors in the international community and at the same time the theories related to such are all essential into managing our knowing on the liberal, neoliberal views and including the Marxist views of inter state relationships or international relations. The concept of this paper would dwell on the exemplified knowledge and essence of the portrayed relationship of the sovereign state with other states.

International relations have been perceived by other scholars and students as the relations among states primarily understood in diplomatic, military and strategic terms. This might be the study of all human interactions across national boarders and the factors that affect the international where it answers the question of who gets what, when and how in matters external to states or in matters crossing lines. Connecting it with the idea specified by the Neoliberals, they point out different features that are needed in the interaction in the different states in the international community. Sovereign states are the key actors in international relations. There is a primary need for institutional autonomy of the sovereign states in order to have or ensure laissez-faire state of the economy. The existence of a sovereign state is essential for economic growth, though the state is the source of man made decline in the economy. Liberalism also demonstrates the state with less domestic agential power to over-ride domestic interests, and with higher degrees of international agential power to reconstitute and shape the international structure. The neoliberals also prefer the respect for the norms of non aggression and non-intervention. Conflicts and competitions are possible in the international co0mmunity of politics and the economy so as to satisfy the different individual needs and vested interests of the sovereign states. Even in domestic and international relations there is always the presence of such competition so the neoliberals support the need for international laws and institutions in order to regulate the interactions of these states. There is also the willingness of international community to act forcefully if necessary in the support of the position for having institutions. The central problem therefore of the political economy is state interventionism in which the maladaptive state fails to adapt or conform to the requirements of individual economic needs. With this the presence of internal conflict always occurs. With this, there came for me a formation of three theories which might somehow be applicable in understanding liberalism. These are first; democratic peace- the need to have an existence of non interventionist would enable a community of sovereign states without conflicts and competitions. Second, the cultural normative model which refers to the stable dimensions of decision makers which they are able to resolve international conflicts. Third, the structural institutional approach which refer to the need of an institution to regulate the actions of the different individual states present in the international community. Francis Fukuyama as a theorist of international relations for instance gave his views with regard to his understanding of the state interventionism. According to him for instance, the fall of the Soviet Union mark the emergence of a world of Relative Ideological Unity based on effective consensus on how to organized industrial society. And for instance in the defeat of Soviet Communism, Liberal Democracy in order to stop the view of state interventionism, eradicated it’s most serious competitors such as the autocratic, authoritarian, national communism and fascism which is basically the factors affecting the so called state interventionism in Neoliberalism. Another example to this is the prediction of Brown an international relation theorist that the future does not necessarily be a neo realist international system but the future might involved what is called a pacific union between Asia and America, thus proving that state interventionism will be abolished. Moreover, the Marxism views also contribute to the theory of international relations in different aspects. The following are the basic and relevant contributions: the materialist conception of history, the analysis of production, the property relations and class, are essential counterweights to realist theorists which assumes that the struggle for military power and security determines the basic structure of world politics. Marx also stressed out the presence of international inequality so there should be a need for an institutions and international laws to regulate such. The analysis of international politics exist due to relations of power and inequality where they may help to reproduce unequal and unjust societies but they can also seek to expose the main systems of dominations and exclusion, and to envisage a better forms of life.

The discipline devoted to embracing the to studying the world of political economy will therefore be introduced using the three models accepted in international relations which are the International Anarchy, Establishment if International Society and the International community. That there is a need to minimize conflict and maximize cooperation in the international system. That the future of international community will be focused on international security and the international political economy which focuses on the trade relation with cooperation and nonstate aggression and non intervention of inter states behaviors. Again and again the role of state is very important and or essential in international community because they are the primary actors in international political economy.

This paper therefore imagines an interactive approach towards managing international relations of various states with all the variables and factors affecting such interactions of states. There may be rise of diverse views and ideas but the neoliberals still point out the existence of such being an international actor in economic and political world market of international political economy.

*note Thought paper for Political Economy to Prof. Severino Milo Distor*


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